Matt Farah's Lamborghini Countach
Written By: APC Collaborator
May 14, 2019
As I'm sure many of you know, California wildfires have become a seasonal thing, with a good few fires popping up during the summer months. In 2018, over 8,000 wildfires burnt almost 2,000,000 acres of land across the state. With over $3,000,000,000 in damages, just from the 2018 fires, it wasn’t going to be an easy recovery. Late in 2018, during Radwood Los Angeles, my friend Matt Crooke from Fifteen52 and I were talking about how terrible it was to see the devastation of these fires. We were thinking of something we could possibly do to help. Just donating money is very helpful, but utilizing our skills and resources would be even better.

Matt and I came up with an idea to sell posters, but not just any type of poster. We wanted to recreate one that many of us had hanging on the walls in our bedrooms growing up: the iconic Lamborghini Countach poster that most, if not all of us, have drooled about since childhood. Or at least all the kids who grew up in the 80’s and 90’s have.
There is no car that is more thumbtack worthy than the Lamborghini Countach. Lucky for us we knew a few owners of that iconic supercar.
Our good friend Matt Farah from the Smoking Tire podcast just acquired a red one, but not just any red one. He got the one that Cindy Crawford posed with in a now famous Pepsi advertisement. It made sense for us to loop Matt in as he used to film much of his YouTube video series on the roads of Malibu, specifically around the area known as 'The Snake’ where the Woolsey Fire hit.

All off the power lines in the areas and the road signs were knocked over. In fact, in the background of some of the photos you can see an entire city block leveled by the fire. We decided it would be the perfect place to shoot the photo for our poster since the road itself had just reopened.
Please enjoy these free photos, but you can help by purchasing a poster from Fifteen52 over HERE. All proceeds go to which will benefit the victims as well as the first responders. And you get a cool poster of a Countach out of it.

Instagram: Larry_Chen_Foto